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29. Can I get HIV from body piercing, ear piercing, or tattoo needles?

No. AIDS cases have not been linked with any ear or body piercing or tattooing. While HIV transmission from body piercing or tattooing is highly unlikely and has not yet occurred, it is possible for the blood of an infected person to be left on a needle that is later used to pierce or tattoo another person. To guard against this possibility, all needles and equipment used for piercing and tattooing should be new or should be sterilized between uses, and new ink should be used for

tattooing. However, other blood-borne illnesses, such as hepatitis B and possibly hepatitis C, can be transmitted by sharing tattooing and piercing equipment.

New HIV/AIDS drug treatments have lowered the number of AIDS-related deaths in the United States.

If you are HIV positive and pregnant, there are medicines you can take that can greatly decrease the chances of your baby having HIV.