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32. Can I get HIV from contact with my doctor, dentist, or other health care professional?

It is extremely unlikely that you can get HIV or other blood-borne diseases from a doctor, dentist, or other health care professional. To protect themselves and their patients, health care workers are required to use Universal Precautions to reduce the risk of exposure to blood or body fluids. Universal Precautions include always wearing latex gloves when taking blood samples or giving shots and washing hands before and after all medical procedures. Dental health care providers should use latex gloves whenever they place their fingers in or around a patient’s mouth. All medical personnel should use Universal Precautions with all patients. Patients can ask their health care providers about how Universal Precautions are followed where they receive their care.

New HIV/AIDS drug treatments have lowered the number of AIDS-related deaths in the United States.

If you are HIV positive and pregnant, there are medicines you can take that can greatly decrease the chances of your baby having HIV.