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72. What do people with HIV need to know about hepatitis?


People with HIV should be tested for hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C. These illnesses can cause severe liver problems, especially in people with HIV. Hepatitis A is commonly spread through contaminated food or water. Hepatitis B and hepatitis C can be spread through unprotected sex or by sharing needles with a person who has either of these viruses. People with HIV should talk to their doctor about their risk for hepatitis, how to avoid infection, and whether they should receive vaccines to prevent hepatitis A and hepatitis B (there is no vaccine for hepatitis C). There are treatments available for hepatitis B and hepatitis C, but they do not work for everyone.

New HIV/AIDS drug treatments have lowered the number of AIDS-related deaths in the United States.

If you are HIV positive and pregnant, there are medicines you can take that can greatly decrease the chances of your baby having HIV.